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easy chicken sukka Recipe

Easy chicken sukka Recipe| Chicken Sukka | चिकन सुक्का 

easy chicken sukka Recipe| Chicken Sukka | चिकन सुक्का | Chicken Sukka Recipe #shorts #recipes #cook


- 500 grams Boiled Chicken (cut into bite-sized pieces)

- 2 tablespoons Jeera Lehsun Mixture Paste (Cumin Garlic Paste)

- 3 tablespoons Edible oil

- 1 tablespoon Dhaniya Powder (Coriander Powder)

- 1 tablespoon Mirchi Powder (Chili Powder) (adjust to your spice preference)

- 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder

- 1 teaspoon Salt (adjust to taste)

- 1/2 cup water


1. Prepare the Jeera Lehsun Mixture Paste:

   - In a grinder, blend together 1 tablespoon cumin seeds and 6-7 garlic cloves until you get a smooth paste. You can add a little water if needed. This is your Jeera Lehsun Mixture Paste.

2. In a kadhai (Indian wok), heat 3 tablespoons of edible oil over medium heat.

3. Once the oil is hot, add the Jeera Lehsun Mixture Paste to the kadhai and sauté for about a minute until the raw smell disappears.

4. Add the boiled chicken pieces to the kadhai and mix well with the paste. Coat the chicken evenly with the paste.

5. Now, add the Dhaniya Powder, Mirchi Powder, Turmeric powder, and Salt to the kadhai. Mix everything together to coat the chicken with the spices.

6. Pour in 1/2 cup of water to create a flavorful gravy. The water will help in cooking the chicken and also help the spices to coat the chicken pieces.

7. Mix everything well, cover the kadhai with a lid, and let the chicken cook on medium heat. Allow it to simmer for about 15-20 minutes or until the water evaporates, and the chicken is well-cooked and tender.

8. Keep stirring occasionally to prevent the chicken from sticking to the kadhai and to ensure even cooking.

9. As the water evaporates, the masala will begin to thicken and coat the chicken, creating a rich and flavorful dry masala.

10. Once the chicken is cooked and the masala has thickened, your Chicken Sukka is ready to be served.

11. Turn off the heat and transfer the Chicken Sukka to a serving dish.

Serve the delicious Chicken Sukka hot with steamed rice, Indian bread (roti, naan), or as a side dish with any meal. Enjoy the aromatic and flavorful taste of this traditional Indian dish!


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